January 16, 2008
I'll be voting in the upcoming election. I'm excited about that. You bet I'll be registering as soon as I turn 18! :D
Problem is, I don't know who I'm going to vote for. I'll probably end up voting for whoever ends up as the Democratic runner. (I can't vote in the primaries)
Someone asked me if I was going to vote for whoever supports same-sex marriage. No. There aren't a lot of candidates who support same-sex marriage. There are some who oppose same-sex marriage but support civil unions. That's cool with me. What it really comes down too is that unless the canidate is uber zelous about outlawing same-sex marriage, then it isn't that important to me. There are more important issues.
Tags politics
January 14, 2008
My English teacher recomended that I read the book Ishmael. It is incredible. I don't want to tell to much about it because I don't want to spoil it for anyone but I highly recomend it to anyone that is interested in ethics, philosophy, sociology, religion, etc.
January 9, 2008
My apologies about the blog layout. Blogger doesn't seem to like me right now. I changed the template to see if I could get my header image to work but now it keeps telling me that the url for my header image is wrong. It's not wrong though. >.<
Ehh, I'll fix it later. I need to actually do yearbook work now.
January 7, 2008
I’ve been debating whether or not to take Testosterone. I’m not going to take it right now but I think I may take it (with prescription) when I’m older. Part of me says “no, I don’t need that to make me a man.” And there are some possible side effects to taking T. The other part of me says that maybe the T will make me more comfortable with myself.
I’ve heard of people who have taken T who have said that afterwards they finally felt comfortable in their own skin. Too often I feel like I just cannot stand my body. I don’t mean that I hate my nose, or hair, or legs or weight (although I wouldn’t mind losing a few pounds). I mean that I just feel like I do not fit my body. I know God gave me my body. I try to take care of it. But too often I just feel this horrible disgusting feeling.
Another reason I want to take T is because although I can usually pass now, it will be harder as I get older. Without T, I doubt I will ever be able to pass as a grown man.
January 1, 2008
I spent New Years Eve with my parents, my dog, and my best friend Jen. It was pretty fun. Jen and I watched tv, played Mille Bornes and had a video chat with one of our other friends. Maybe I'm just lame but to me that is fun.
I go back to school tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to that. I don't really mind my classes too much I've just gotten used to being able to sleep in. haha. Since I'll be in school though, I'll be updating more frequently. I update more at school than I do at home.