April 21, 2008
I'm sick of school. I'm just sitting here wasting my time. I'm not learning anything in any of my classes except for my Cisco class. I'm so sick of the school system. I'm so sick of our society. Please don't write me off saying "Oh, he's just another angsty teen that doesn't like school". You know why so many people don't like school? Because it's stupid! They don't care if we learn things. They care that we jump through hoops and memorize things for tests. They couldn't care less if we remember what we learn after we take the test. Granted there are things we do learn in school but I could (and do) learn much more and much faster on my own than in school.
And I'm sick of people thinking I'm crazy. Maybe I am crazy but they could at least hear me out first before putting me on a bunch of meds. I'm not depressed because of some chemical imbalance. I'm depressed because I can see how screwed up everything is and I can see that I've been lied to and I feel like I'm walking around with my eyes open watching everyone else be blindfolded and walking into things. No, that's not right. I'm still partially blind. I'm still in the process of removing my blindfold but I can still watch people running into things. And no one will believe me. No one will listen to me.
I get sent to shrinks who say "Hmm, you seem depressed and you seem to have a problem fitting into mainstream society. Here, let me give you some drugs." I hate my meds. I'm going to gradually come off of them. I don't need them and I don't want them.
Tags sociology