November 16, 2007
Alright, time for me to get on the soapbox again.
I am part of the LGBT community. We are often discriminated against. I've heard about how we are not really discriminated against and we get special treatment and all of that. Maybe some LGBT people get special treatment. In my personal experience though, I have not gotten special treatment and neither has anyone I know. I have personally been harassed and discriminated against.
I'm told I can not use that as an example though because it is something I choose. I do not choose it though. It is the way I am. I could live my life as a completely "normal" heterosexual but it would be a lie. I have tried that. It was extremely stressful. Why should I have to pretend to be someone I am not?
By the way, I am not gay. I am straight (mostly). I am transgender though. I am physically female. I am a male though. I am not a tomboy. I am a guy. I have always felt like a guy. I did not know what transgender was when I was younger but I did feel like a guy. When I was in preschool and kindergarten I thought I was a boy. I even used the boys bathroom. I didn't understand why I got in trouble for that.
If I live my life as a girl, even as a tomboy/masculine female I am still treated as a girl most of the time. I am not a girl though. I am a guy.