December 4, 2007
Are any of us really unique? Or has everyone been molded into a stereotype? I like to think of myself as being different. I like to think I'm "not just another teenager". Am I really different though? Doesn't everyone like to think of themselves as being different? What makes me different?
- I don't smoke: There's loads of other people that don't smoke.
- I don't do drugs: There's loads of other people that don't do drugs.
- I don't drink: There's loads of other people that don't drink.
let's look at things I do/am rather than what I don't do.
- I'm transgender: There are many other transgender people. (which I am rather thankful for honestly. I wouldn't want to be the only trans person. That'd be hard.)
- I have mood swings: A lot of people have mood swings.
- I like computers: I don't think I need to continue to point out that other people share this characteristic.
- I like to read.
- I have "odd" thought paterns.
- I have night terrors.
- I have panic attacks.
- I was raised Catholic.
- I do not like organised religion.
Maybe it isn't each of our characteristics that make us unique/special but the combination of the charactersistics. Our experiances, and our physical and psychological traits form who we are and although we may share some of those traits with other people, we do not share 100% of those traits and therefore we are not exactly like anyone else.
Tags sociology